29 March 2019

Zomtober 2015 Week 4- Cleaning Up?

   Well, well, well, here we are, at the fourth and final week of Zomtober 2015, or Zomtober IV,
whichever way you are counting. It feels a little wierd having more than a week of Octoober left and putting up my final post for Zomtober, but that's the way the schedule worked out this year. More zombies might still happen as a matter of principle, but I guess I should take advantage of the opportunity to finish some other things that are due for all these commissios and contests I got myself into ::lol::. I need to plan better next year. Anyways, here they are, my last two official zombies for this Zomtober- well, the last two I can show you right now. I give you my word my zombie Hare Krishna is also done, but we don't want you to know which one belongs to whom until after the voting, so I'm not showing you right now. But for the record, that makes my personal official Zomtober total 9- two per week, plus a Hare Krishna. Oh, and one of those was on a 50mm base, to boot.

So here's candidate #1 today- the last of the Malifaux Mindless Zombies. I had to finish the set, after all. This guy must have almost escaped from somewhere, because he's all wrapped up in barbed wire, and is still holding one of the fence posts, while the other is impaled right through him. In retrospect, I should have used a bolder color scheme on this one, as the colors kinda blended together. I mean, using shiny new silver barbed wire wrapped around gray pants? What was I thinking? It barely shows up. Oh, well, no one's perfect. It's a cool character, anyhow. Next week, I'll ut them all together in their official Zombie of the Month article, so I don't skip a month, or leave the last week of October free of zombie writing.

Candidate #2 is a real mess if I ever saw one. I'm not kidding- look away and do not read on if you're squeamish. This model is actually "Jinx" from the Hell Dorado line, which has some really cool  models in it. This poor fella never had a chance. Zombie baby is about the ugliest you can get, and I'm not even sure this was even truly a baby yet when the plague hit- yup, he's still got his umbilical cord. Aw, man, gross. He even has boils that I chose to color dark like buboes, because what could be worse that a zombie plague? A zombie Black Plague, of course! Anyways, I figured this guy clawed his way out of poor mom, either after she was a zombie, or maybe he would have been stillborn, except for that zombie...plague...thing...ew. Anyways, I figured, zombified placenta matter = nasty dark gooey colors. Yeah, I just said a whole bunch of words and phrases that should never be said, but hey, I warned you. Now there's a Zomtober finisher.

Well, there you have it. Another Zomtober, another dozen points off the painting board, and more citizens for good Zombalia to take part in next year's Zompacalypse. Stay tuned for this years Zompacalypse, coming soon! And get ready to vote in our zombie Hare Krishna contest! This is Empress Ali, signing off... for now (dun dun duhhhhhh.)

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